Seat / Leon (5F) / 09 - Central electrics [EV_BCMMQB 020001] / Central lock system - confirmation with the hazard lights - settings
Control unit
Diagnostic operation
Service intervals
auxiliary heater
Arona / Ibiza (KJ) MQB A0 (PQ27) 2018 ->
Ateca (5F) MQB (PQ37) 2017 ->
Formentor (KM) MQBevo (PQ38) 2020 ->
Alhambra (7M)
Alhambra (71)
Alhambra (7N) A5 (PQ46) 2010 - 2020
Altea / Toledo (5P) A5 (PQ35) 2004 - 2015
Exeo (3R) B7 (PL46) 2009 - 2014
Ibiza - Cordoba (6K)
Ibiza - Cordoba (6L)
Ibiza (6J) A05 (PQ25) 2009 - 2017
Leon (1M)
Leon (1P) A5 (PQ35) 2006 - 2013
Leon (5F) MQB (PQ37) 2013 - 2020
Leon (KL) 2021 ->
Mii (AA) (NSF) 2013 - 2017
Toledo (1L)
Toledo (NH) A05+ (PQ25) 2013 - 2018
navigation system Seat
56 - radio - Seat
Service intervals - Seat
Control unit
03 - Brake electronics Bosch ESP 9.0i PQ26 [EV_Brake1ESP90iBOSCHPQ26 100020]
03 - Brake electronics MK 100 ESP [EV_Brake1UDSContiMK100ESP 008020]
03 - Brake electronics MK 100 ESP [EV_Brake1UDSContiMK100ESP 033001]
03 - Brake electronics MK 100 ESP [EV_Brake1UDSContiMK100ESP 034024]
03 - Brake electronics MK 100 ESP [EV_Brake1UDSContiMK100ESP 034033]
03 - Brake electronics MK 100 ESP [EV_Brake1UDSContiMK100ESP 035019]
03 - Brake electronics MK 100 ESP [EV_Brake1UDSContiMK100ESP 036010]
03 - Brake electronics MK 100 ESP [EV_Brake1UDSContiMK100ESP 037009]
03 - Brake electronics MK100 IPB ESC [EV_Brake1UDSContiMK100IPB 033001]
03 - Brake electronics MK100 IPB ESC [EV_Brake1UDSContiMK100IPB 034036]
03 - Brake electronics MK100 IPB ESC [EV_Brake1UDSContiMK100IPB 036010]
03 - Brake electronics MK100 IPB ESC [EV_Brake1UDSContiMK100IPB 037009]
03 - Brake electronics MK100 IPB ESC [EV_Brake1UDSContiMK100IPB 038007]
03 - Brake electronics MK100 IPB ESC [EV_Brake1UDSContiMK100IPB 049012]
08 - Air-conditioning AC Clima [EV_ACClimaBHBVW37X 002017]
08 - Air-conditioning AC Clima [EV_ACClimaBHBVW37X 003017]
08 - Air-conditioning AC Clima [EV_ACClimaBHBVW37X 005137]
08 - Air-conditioning AC Clima [EV_ACClimaBHBVW37X 006142]
08 - Air-conditioning AC Clima [EV_ACClimaBHBVW37X 006145]
08 - Air-conditioning AC Clima [EV_ACClimaBHBVW37X 006150]
08 - Air-conditioning AC Clima [EV_ACClimaBHBVW37X 006151]
08 - Air-conditioning AC Manuel [EV_ACManueBHBVW37X 002017]
08 - Air-conditioning AC Manuel [EV_ACManueBHBVW37X 003017]
08 - Air-conditioning AC Manuel [EV_ACManueBHBVW37X 003128]
08 - Air-conditioning AC Manuel [EV_ACManueBHBVW37X 004132]
08 - Air-conditioning AC clima [EV_ACClimaBHBVW37X 006143]
09 - Central electrics BCM MQBAB [EV_BCMCONTI 010001]
09 - Central electrics BCM MQBAB [EV_BCMCONTI 011001]
09 - Central electrics BCM MQBAB [EV_BCMCONTI 012001]
09 - Central electrics BCM MQBAB [EV_BCMCONTI 013000]
09 - Central electrics BCM [EV_BCMA0 006004]
09 - Central electrics [EV_BCMMQB 015001]
09 - Central electrics [EV_BCMMQB 017001]
09 - Central electrics [EV_BCMMQB 018001]
09 - Central electrics [EV_BCMMQB 019001]
09 - Central electrics [EV_BCMMQB 020001]
10 - Park Assist (PARKHILFE 8K) CAN
10 - Park Assist (PARKHILFE PLA) CAN
10 - Park Assist PARKHILFE 4K [EV_EPHVA14AU3700000 002018]
10 - Park Assist PARKHILFE 4K [EV_EPHVA14AU3700000 002022]
10 - Park Assist PARKHILFE 4K [EV_EPHVA14AU3700000 002024]
10 - Park Assist PARKHILFE 8K (EV_EPHVA18VW364GP00) UDS
10 - Park Assist PARKHILFE 8K (EV_EPHVA18SKxxx0000) UDS
10 - Park Assist PARKHILFE 8K / PDC 8 [EV_EPHVA18AU3700000 002016]
10 - Park Assist PARKHILFE 8K / PDC 8 [EV_EPHVA18AU3700000 002019]
10 - Park Assist PARKHILFE 8K / PDC 8 [EV_EPHVA18AU3700000 002024]
10 - Park Assist PARKHILFE 8K / PDC 8 [EV_EPHVA18AU3700000 002026]
10 - Park Assist PARKHILFE 8K / PDC 8 [EV_EPHVA18AU3700000 009031]
10 - Park Assist PARKHILFE 8K / PDC 8 [EV_EPHVA18AU3700000 009035]
10 - Park Assist PARKHILFE 8K / PDC 8 [EV_EPHVA18AU3700000 009039]
10 - Park Assist PARKHILFE 8K / PDC 8 [EV_EPHVA18AU3700000 009046]
10 - Park Assist PARKHILFE PLA [EV_EPHVA2CAU3700000 003019]
10 - Park Assist PARKHILFE [EV_EPHVA14AU3700000 002015]
10 - Park Assist PDC 4 [EV_EPHVA14AU3700000 009029]
10 - Park Assist PDC 4 [EV_EPHVA14AU3700000 009033]
10 - Park Assist PDC 4 [EV_EPHVA14AU3700000 009037]
10 - Park Assist PDC 4 [EV_EPHVA14AU3700000 009044]
10 - Park Assist PLA 3.0 [EV_EPHVA2CAU3700000 009041]
15 - Airbag Airbag VW20 [EV_AirbaVW20TS6VW48X 001116]
15 - Airbag Airbag VW21 [EV_AirbaVW21TS6VW48X 001014]
15 - Airbag VW 20 Airbag [EV_AirbaVW20BPAVW26X 001001]
15 – Airbag VW20 (VW20Airbag00Z) UDS
17 - Dashboard KOMBI VDD MQBA0 [EV_DashBoardVDDMQBA0 001026]
17 - Dashboard KOMBI VDD MQBA0 [EV_DashBoardVDDMQBA0 001029]
17 - Dashboard KOMBI VDD MQBAB [EV_DashBoardVDDMQBAB 008026]
17 - Dashboard KOMBI VDD MQBAB [EV_DashBoardVDDMQBAB 008031]
17 - Dashboard KOMBI VDD MQBAB [EV_DashBoardVDDMQBAB 009037]
17 - Dashboard KOMBI VDD MQBAB [EV_DashBoardVDDMQBAB 009043]
17 - Dashboard KOMBI VDD MQBAB [EV_DashBoardVDDMQBAB 009046]
17 - Dashboard KOMBI VDD MQBAB [EV_DashBoardVDDMQBAB 009051]
17 - Dashboard KOMBI VDD MQBAB [EV_DashBoardVDDMQBAB 009060]
17 - Dashboard KOMBI VDD MQBAB [EV_DashBoardVDDMQBAB 009065]
17 - Dashboard KOMBI VDD MQBAB [EV_DashBoardVDDMQBAB 009066]
17 - Dashboard KOMBI VDD MQBAB [EV_DashBoardVDDMQBAB 009069]
19 - Gateway EV_GatewConti [EV_GatewConti 010015]
19 - Gateway EV_GatewConti [EV_GatewConti 011017]
19 - Gateway EV_GatewConti [EV_GatewConti 011020]
19 - Gateway EV_GatewNF [EV_GatewNF 013025]
19 - Gateway EV_GatewNF [EV_GatewNF 013026]
19 - Gateway EV_GatewNF [EV_GatewNF 013044]
19 - Gateway GW MQB [EV_GatewLear 006010]
19 - Gateway GW MQB [EV_GatewLear 009013]
19 - Gateway GW MQB [EV_GatewLear 010015]
19 - Gateway GW MQB [EV_GatewLear 011016]
19 - Gateway GW MQB [EV_GatewLear 011020]
19 - Gateway GW MQB [EV_GatewLear 013020]
19 - Gateway [EV_GatewA0Lear 013020]
19 - Gateway [EV_GatewConti 013020]
19 - Gateway [EV_GatewNF 013020]
19 - Gateway [EV_GatewNF 013023]
42 - Door electronics driver’s side [EV_DCU2DriveSideMAXHCONT 001005]
42 - Door electronics driver’s side [EV_DCUDriveSideEWMAXCONT 006001]
44 - Steering booster EPS TRW ALow [EV_SteerAssisUDSTRW 016134]
44 - Steering booster [EV_SteerAssisMQB 008022]
44 - Steering booster [EV_SteerAssisMQB 010031]
44 - Steering booster [EV_SteerAssisMQB 012140]
44 - Steering booster [EV_SteerAssisMQB 013144]
44 - Steering booster [EV_SteerAssisMQB 015157]
4B - Multifunction Module [EV_MultiModulContiVW48X 001010]
4B - Multifunction Module [EV_MultiModulContiVW48X 002004]
4B - Multifunction Module [EV_MultiModulContiVW48X 002006]
4B - Multifunction Module [EV_MultiModulContiVW48X 003003]
52 - Door electronics front passenger side [EV_DCU2PasseSideMAXHCONT 001005]
52 - Door electronics front passenger side [EV_DCUPasseSideEWMAXCONT 006001]
55 - Control of xenon headlight bevel LWR-ECU 005 [EV_HeadlRegulVWLWRMQB 001110]
55 - Control of xenon headlight bevel [EV_HeadlRegulVWAFSMQB 001120]
5F - Electro Info [EV_MUEnt4CCONT 004052]
5F - Electro Info [EV_MUEnt4CGen2LGE 001025]
5F - Electro Info [EV_MUEnt4CGen2LGE 001032]
5F - Electro Info [EV_MUEnt4CLGE 001025]
5F - Electro Info [EV_MUHig4CGen2HBAS 001001]
5F - Electro Info [EV_MUHig6C1Gen2HBAS 001001]
5F - Electro Info [EV_MUHig6C3Gen2HBAS 001001]
5F - Electro Info [EV_MUStd4CPASE 002039]
5F - Electro Info [EV_MUStd4CTSAT 001001]
5F - Electro Info [EV_MUStd6C1PASE 002027]
5F - Electro Info [EV_MUStd6C1PASE 002030]
5F - Electro Info [EV_MUStd6C1TSAT 001015]
5F - Electro Info [EV_MUStd6C3PASE 002026]
5F - Electro Info [EV_MUStd6C3PASE 002029]
5F - Electro Info [EV_MUStd6C3TSAT 001015]
6D - Rear gull-wing door HDSG-Modul (EV_HDSGVW428 | EV_DeckLidContrUnit | EV_HDSGVN46T | EV_HDSGAU316) UDS
76 - Park assistant PARKHILFE 8K / PDC 8 [EV_EPHVA18AU3700000 002016]
76 - Park assistant PARKHILFE 8K / PDC 8 [EV_EPHVA18AU3700000 002019]
76 - Park assistant PARKHILFE 8K / PDC 8 [EV_EPHVA18AU3700000 002024]
76 - Park assistant PARKHILFE 8K / PDC 8 [EV_EPHVA18AU3700000 002026]
76 - Park assistant PARKHILFE 8K / PDC 8 [EV_EPHVA18AU3700000 009031]
76 - Park assistant PARKHILFE 8K / PDC 8 [EV_EPHVA18AU3700000 009035]
76 - Park assistant PARKHILFE 8K / PDC 8 [EV_EPHVA18AU3700000 009039]
76 - Park assistant PARKHILFE 8K / PDC 8 [EV_EPHVA18AU3700000 009046]
76 - Park assistant [EV_ACClimaValeoPQ26 003001]
A5 - Front Drive asssist sensor [EV_MFKBoschAU370 001001]
A5 - Front Drive asssist sensor [EV_MFKBoschMQBB 001001]
D6 - Light Ctrl Left [EV_LED_PLUS_L_KEBODAVW416 001003]
D7 - Light Ctrl Right [EV_LED_PLUS_R_KEBODAVW416 001003]
Diagnostic operation
Unlocking - siren confirmation - settings
Locking - siren confirmation - settings
Central lock system - confirmation with the hazard lights - settings
Central lock system - confirmation with the hazard lights - settings - variant II
Rain lights - settings
Adaptation - Interior monitoring system - sensitivity
Vehicle tilt sensor - settings
Production mode - deactivation
Anti-theft system - Historical data
Security access: blocking detection
Diagnostic procedure
This operation was considered useful 1x.
You are not logged! System works in DEMO mode only now where numbers are replaced with X characters. For 49 EUR onl y You will get access into full system. You can pay by credit card or bank transfer. Click BUY button for purchase and You will get login to diagnostic procedures database imediatelly.
- software version ODX XXXX and higher only
connect with the control unit XX - central electrics
XX - Security access
enter value: XXXXX = function accessible: adaptation
if it shall not be accepted, the unit does not require a safe approach
XX - Adaptation
select item in menu: IDEXXXXX- Reading of the parameters - Address
TIP! For easier search in the menu, enter the code IDE, ENG or MAS into the "Filter" window
enter value:
XX - Adaptation
select item in menu: IDEXXXXX-MASXXXXX - Recording of the parameters - value
TIP! For easier search in the menu, enter the code IDE, ENG or MAS into the "Filter" window
enter value:
XX - Adaptation
select item in menu: IDEXXXXX-MASXXXXX - Recording of the parameters - Address
TIP! For easier search in the menu, enter the code IDE, ENG or MAS into the "Filter" window
enter value:
XX - confirmation with the hazard lights ON
XX - confirmation with the hazard lights OFF
switch ignition off for XX s
You are not logged! System works in DEMO mode only now where numbers are replaced with X characters. For 49 EUR onl y You will get access into full system. You can pay by credit card or bank transfer. Click BUY button for purchase and You will get login to diagnostic procedures database imediatelly.